A wise man once told me, you have so much potential to be a great writer and social media star just make sure you never share your age or your relationship status....

I've got a little over 2 months left in my 20's, I'm going to be 30 freaking years old...WHAT.THE.F! When the hell did that happen? As I'm embracing these last few months of my 20's I totally get why they say "30s are the new 20s"; I was dumb as shit for most of my 20s! I feel great going into 30 like I have a damn brain and some sort of clue; I feel like a better version of my 20 year old self and shockingly enough I don't feel old (maturer, slightly grown up, but not old). I still am clueless about a ton of adult like things, still haven't got myself completely figured out, and I still suck at hiding my emotions; but I'm comfortable, aware, and actively growing.

In my new year I want to focus on me, worrying about me and what makes me happy and what is best for me! How freaking selfish right? Ha, I know and it's so scary for me the most selfless person in the world, literally to a fault. This year I'm really going to do what I want and if that means not attending every event that I'm invited be it! If it means allowing folks to pay me back instead of saying "no it's okay, I got it" (until I'm rich then I'll revert) be it! All in all I'm going to make a promise to myself to put my happiness first and be true to myself; of course I'm never going to not be caring, giving, and loving but I cannot fully care for others unless I take care of myself first. Hell even on the airplane they tell parents put your oxygen mask on before putting on your child's. I already have gotten a head start: moving all the way to Cold Spring with my little family.  Then, there was writing on this page for me and not forcing it to be a blog in turn making me a fraud blogger. Next up, doing what I want for my birthday and not worrying "is it too far for people"; Jack is trying to drill into my head "people that want to be around will be around"...after all it is my 30th...eek!

I have to commit to this, I don't want this to be like an empty NYE resolution "I'm going to give up soda and go to the gym 4 times a week". Now back to enjoying my last 72 days in my 20s!