Here's the deal, life got busy per usual and since this lovely page doesn't exactly pay my bills I ended up moving it down on my priority list. Along with that I got intimidated by all the amazing bloggers out there; the ones who kill the game with the stunning photos, awesome content, and sick giveaways; I was nothing like them or at least my page wasn't (I was more talk, less really awesome pics). When I tried to follow suit it felt so inorganic and I hated it I didn't feel like a "blogger" it felt so forced and I couldn't fake the funk, I couldn't compete or keep up with them! In retrospect I know that was lame as shit and I should have know better than to compare myself to anyone but I'm human and at times I do stupid things (please don't share that information with my parents and boyfriend) but it's the truth. Then, time passed (like a lot of time) and I was almost embarrassed to pick up where I left off especially while watching other blogs grow so much in that time, so what happened even more time passed me by and here I am a year later. But I'm back! Why? Well for starters when I wasn't busy trying to fit the blogger mold and wrote in my own completely transparent voice people responded and it felt great connecting with friends and strangers over life. But most importantly, I missed writing and whined about it religiously over the course of the year so I'm back!

I'm back not as a blogger because I don't fit a specific mold and the pressure of finding a "niche" and sticking with it will 100% turn me off from this again. I'm back not as a writer because I write how I speak and I speak at a 100 words a minute without thinking and I don't want to worry about grammatical errors or typos. I'm back as a girl who loves to talk, share, and can't keep a journal for the life of me (legit there are probably 7 journals floating around my house). This time around it's not about the number of likes or followers but just a place for me to store all my thoughts and if someone wants to read along, be my guest!

PS I hate "ABOUT ME" sections they legit stress me out (like solo photos) but if I had one this post would be it!

PSS I didn't delete the old posts they're under the "OLDIES" section up top.